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The Heavens & Your Health December 2020 By Kari Noren-Hoshal

Gabriel Lechuga • November 8, 2021

The Heavens & Your Health

December 2020

By Kari Noren-Hoshal

 Once the influence of the November 30th Lunar Eclipse is past, the first two weeks of December are relatively quiet as compared to the month of the election. The November Lunar Eclipse in Gemini continues to cause many communications mix-ups and disagreements but these are mild compared to the ones pre-eclipse. Mercury moving into the sign of Sagittarius adds fuel to the disagreement bonfire however as of the 1st of December. Mercury in Sagittarius is the voice of religious and political fundamentalism. Many priests and politicians will be climbing up into their pulpits and podiums to broadcast their opinions of how they think the U.S. and the world should operate. This will take place from December 1st to the New Moon Solar Eclipse of Monday the 14th.

The degree of the Solar Eclipse will be 24 degrees Sagittarius at 11:17 a.m. EST on Monday the 14th. This is very close to the degree of the Galactic Center of our Milky Way Galaxy (26 degrees.) If you have an astrology birth chart, locate 24 degrees on the house cusps. The house that the New Moon Solar Eclipse falls into indicates the area in which a surprising event will take place for you between the 1st and the 31st of December. The Galactic Center calls us to experience the ONENESS of our Galaxy despite its trillions upon trillions of separate galaxies. The area in which we can experience a sense of great expansion and Oneness will be indicated by the zodiac house it falls into in your chart. 1st house: personal projects & physical body; 2nd house: finances, personal values; 3rd house: communications, neighbors, siblings & transportation; 4th house: family of origin, physical house or home, security; 5th house: children, creativity & romance; 6th house: daily work, health & house pets; 7th house: business partners and relationship partners; 8th house: sexual partners, finances held in common with a partner, taxes & inheritance; 9th house: philosophy, religion, higher education & foreign travel; 10th house: career, integrity & position in society; 11th house: community groups, charities, cousins & other relatives, science, politics & technological upgrades; 12th house: endings, meditation, loss, faith, oneness with the universe. Thanks to Paul Hewit and his website, we have information about the Galactic Center in astrology and its meaning in the chart. According to Hewit, “The Galactic Center is “the Sun of our Sun.” It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and also, theoretically, the source of most of the energy in any astrological chart, transformed through our own Sun. In 1932, Karl Jansky, a Bell Telephone Laboratories engineer, was searching for the source of static affecting overseas telephone lines. To find the source he built the first 95 foot movable radio- telescope to detect it. Part of the static turned out to be created by the center of our Galaxy at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. Astronomers paid little attention to the discovery, but to the astrology of consciousness, this discovery should rank right up there with the discovery of Pluto in 1930. In the late 1960's, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. A huge Black Hole is thought to be at the Galactic Center, about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.”

On this same day, Monday the 14th, there is a positive aspect between Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Capricorn. Today Venus and Jupiter make an encouraging sextile and Mercury in Sagittarius makes a harmonious trine to Mars in Aries. The Venus/Jupiter aspect shows that people are more willing now to follow the rules necessary in order to secure greater health security. Immunizations will be available as of the spring and we have got to make it to March in order to get our vaccines. Therefore, masks in the meantime—in some cities-- will be viewed with less resentment and more compliance. The second aspect forming today, Mercury trine Mars in Sagittarius/Aries, is actually an aspect equivalent to a bucking bronco! The wild Sagittarian Centaur wants to celebrate the Holidays in public. This perceived right will be defended tooth and nail with the vigorous head-butting of the Aries Ram. Personally, I will be avoiding holiday parties this year!

On Tuesday the 15th Venus, the planet of love and attraction will enter the sign of Sagittarius and there will be a strong resurgence of protest to celebrate the holidays in public. Further issues of religious fundamentalism will surface now. One hopes that Iran will not rattle its anti-American sabers too loudly before Joe Biden takes office on Wednesday, January 20th of 2021.

The biggest news of the month is that interpersonal planets, Saturn and Jupiter, will both enter the sign of Aquarius without retrograding back into Capricorn now. Saturn, the planet of self-discipline and integrity, enters the egalitarian and socially conscious sign of Aquarius on Wednesday the17th for two years until March 7th of 2023. Jupiter, planet of expansion and good fortune follows suit on Saturday, December 19th. Jupiter will expand our horizons toward new ways of living in a more technologically upgraded and socially egalitarian way until December 30th, 2021.


The Winter Solstice, the most sacred date of the year, in which hours of day and night are equal, takes place bright and early on Monday the 21st at 5:02 a.m. EST. Today is the day that night begins to yield to longer hours of daylight. Yet, one more extraordinary celestial event takes place today!---------- At 1:21 p.m. EST Jupiter and Saturn will conjunct at 1 degree Aquarius! This is a MOMENTOUS SYNCHRONICITY --that Jupiter and Saturn should join together on the same day as the Winter Solstice takes place. In my personal opinion, this incredibly synchronistic event indicates that we have reached a celestial watershed moment. Cue the soundtrack to the 1967 musical Hair……

When the “Moon is the 7th House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then Peace will guide the planets

And Love will steer the stars…….

This is the dawning of the AGE OF AQUARIUS!!!

We knew it had to start sometime in the 21st Century; it might as well be now with this all-important conjunction of the “Timekeeper Planets” in the same degree of Aquarius. I am dead serious! This is the first day of the 2,158-year “Age of Aquarius.” The symbol of Aquarius, “The Waterbearer” is of a Man pouring the waters of Wisdom out for all to consume. In his kneeling posture to pour the waters, he is humbly pouring the combined wisdom of all the great waterways of the world from one container to be shared by ALL.

As in the Summer of Love in 1967 when the Musical Hair came out, peaceful demonstrations and more violent protests around movements like Black Lives Matter, have been taking place all over the planet since the year 2003 with the Rose Revolution in the Eastern European nation of Georgia. When considered as a whole, the period of 2003-2020 is a slow-moving global movement that counterattacks the Piscean Age principal of the privileged versus the poor, the educated versus the illiterate masses. With the advent of the smart phone anyone in any part of the globe can now be up-to-date on world events through articles and videos. Critical mass has been achieved and the majority of the planet wants equality of rights and privileges, i.e.----- The Aquarian Age!

For a full listing of the over 30 revolts and revolutions on Earth since 2003 see:

The Moon will move through the activist sign of Aries on the 21st to a more relaxed and creature-comfort Moon in Taurus at daybreak on Thursday the 24th. Let’s hope that some of the Solar Eclipse New Moon intensity will now be quelled. Christmas Eve Day of the 24th will feature the pacifistic Taurus Moon and it will stay through Saturday the 26th, Boxing Day. The Full Moon at 10:28 p.m. on Tuesday the 29th will occur at 9 degrees Cancer. The asteroid Chiron, the Wounded Healer at 6 degrees Aries will make a potent square to this Full Moon. In Aries, Chiron reminds us that the Wound will not be healed until every state of the U.S. and every nation of the globe has achieved a state of greater freedom and equality for its people. Obviously that time is a LONG way off but we must continue demonstrating & protesting for it! It may take us the entire Age of Aquarius to get there but that gives us a full 2,158 years.

New Year’s Eve features an extremely upbeat Moon in joyous Leo which counters all of the heavy conservative planetary action of the Jupiter/Saturn & Pluto Terrible Trio in Capricorn of this past year. Hope can be glimpsed on the horizon, hope for an end to Covid 19 in 2021, hope for a U.S. president who believes in science and the people’s need for equality. Get out your dancing shoes! Even if it means you are wearing your disco best in your own living room and dancing a jig on the carpet solo---the New Year is here!


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