February 2025
Summer Solstice Gathering, Sarasota, Florida, Kari holds a ceremony for abundance and health with astrological update for June-December 2021. The group created a Medicine Wheel under the Gaia Tree.
Winter Solstice and Age of Aquarius Celebration, via Zoom. Harriet McMahon created an Andean Despacho packet of prayers to be burned in the fireplace. Zoom participants sang and played drums to welcome in the Beginning of the Age of Aquarius alignment of Jupiter and Saturn coinciding with the Winter Solstice.
Miracle Moon White Bison Meditation and Prayer Circle. The Zoom Inauguration of our first monthly prayer meeting. Cynthia Hart-Button, Harriet McMahon and Kari lead our first prayer circle on the birthday of the White Bison Herd Matriarch, Miracle Moon. Each month Harriet leads a meditation, Cynthia leads a prayer and Kari talks about the effect of the current astrological transits.
White Bison Association Community Welcome Event & Celebration, Amesville, Ohio. A dinner event for local university and community members to introduce them to the White Bison Herd. The mayor and a number of notable professors from University of Ohio attend. Music was provided by a band made up of music professors. A seven-course organic dinner was served by local chef. A special video message from our dear friend Linda Tucker, Guardian of the White Lions is featured along with a speech by the mayor of Athens and our patron. Charles Button performed with the band. Attending are longtime patron: Phil Cook and wife and daughter and Scott Tufts.
Summer Soul Mission and Past Lives Astrology Retreat in Amesville, Ohio. Kari leads a 3-day workshop in which participants learn about their pre-natal eclipses and nodes of the moon at birth. The small group allows for in-depth processing. Each day’s astrology work is followed by past life meditations with Elizabeth Howell, an Ohioan hypnotist and ceremonial leader.
Summer Solstice Soul Quest Retreat and Celebration in Amesville, Ohio. Cynthia Hart-Button, Harriet McMahon and Kari, lead a retreat in which participants engage in Soul Quest meditation. Kari teaches the astrology of the Soul Mission Sign, Cynthia prepares the group through Native purification and Harriet leads the group in Andean Shamanic rites. All activities culminate in the Soul Quest Meditation in nature on the day of the Summer Solstice. The group participates in a Summer Solstice Celebration afterwards with select members of the community. Following the celebration, we experience the first flooding of the creek on the property.
The White Bison arrive from travel cross-country from Upperlake, California to their permanent sanctuary in Amesville, Ohio. Members of the transition team, led by our patron, are waiting for the trucks to help put the last gates in place. The female and juvenile white bison are freed into their pasture across the stream and the bulls are freed into their corrals below the gardens. Cynthia Hart-Button, Charles Button, Kari, our patron and members of the transition team hold a Thanks Giving Ceremony in the gardens.
The White Bison Vision Quest Retreat and Summer Solstice Celebration, Upperlake, California. Holistic teachers, Cynthia Hart-Button, Harriet McMahon and Kari lead 4 days of Vision Quest retreat at the Peace Ranch in Northern California’s lake district. Participants define the theme for their Vision Quest meditation through astrology. They follow Andean Shamanic practices in diet and prayer as well as Native American sweatlodge purification, prior to their quests on the day of the Summer Solstice. The Public Solstice Celebration is attended by Grandfather Ernie, great grandson of Lakota warrior Crazy Horse and his Native drum group. A water ceremony for the public is carried out with Tonya Red Deer and other female elders. Cynthia Hart-Button gives thanks to Pomo tribe elders and community leaders.
The River of Stars Astrology Conference, Kalani Oceanside Resort, Big Island, Hawaii.
Kari presents her lecture on The Venus Star Points: a Pre-natal point at which Venus appears to conjunct the Sun. Kari discusses how the Natal Star Point is an indicator of Taurian affirmation and Libran diplomacy in the birth chart and how the pre-natal Venus Star Point indicates the gift one is destined to bring to the world. In Cynthia’s absence, Kari presents the Story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, accompanied by musicians Eddie Rodriguez and Sirena.
Timbavati, South Africa and Cape Town, South Africa
Kari and Harriet McMahon host a tour of the White Lions of Timbavati, South Africa. We visited the sacred messenger lions in their homelands near Acornhoek; visited Kruger Park Game Preserve and traveled to Cape Town, South Africa to experience amazing megaliths in the shapes of faces and the Ascension Cave with amazing local guide Dean Liprini. Keeper of the Tibetan Crystal Skulls, Jennifer Welch led a workshop on how to pray and meditate with crystal skulls.
The White Lions/White Bison Conference and Benefit hosted by Maurice Fernandez, Linda Tucker, Cynthia Hart-Button, Harriet McMahon, Medicine Talk Radio and Kari Noren-Hoshal. A charity silent auction was held at the Sedona Yoga Center to raise funds for the White Lion Trust and the White Bison Herd of Oregon. Astrological presentations by Maurice Fernandez were complimented by a Circumnavigation of the Sedona Buddha on the 9th. The Crystal Skulls of Tibet with their keeper Jennifer Welch were also present at this exciting prayer ceremony.
Kari and Maurice Fernandez host a tour of the White Bison in their homelands near Bend, Oregon. Four days of astrological workshops with Kari and Maurice culminating in a visit to the ranch of Cynthia and Charles Button and their 17 white bison. Cynthia Hart-Button and veteran filmmaker and storyteller, Grandfather Willie Whitefeather entertained us with legends of the White Buffalo Calf Woman and the white bison herd. Recording artist, Charles Button previewed his new album White Buffalo: Bigger Than Real.
Kari and Harriet McMahon host a grand tour and shamanic/astrological conference in the White Lions Lands in Timbavati, South Africa with Linda Tucker and Jason Turner. Guests stayed in the village near Acornhoek, and viewed the sublime White Lion pride in their homelands with the assistance of our expert guides Linda and Jason. We also visited Kruger Park Game Preserve and met the wild horses at Adam’s Calendar. Kari presented on the topic Your Mayan Astrological Sign: Guidance for the 21st Century.
Kari leads an observation of the Venus Transit at the Towson University with astrologers from the Baltimore Astrological Society viewing from the university roof with dark glasses. This phenomenon will not be visible again until 2117. What an exhilarating sight it was.
United Astrology Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, Kari presents on the topic of The Venus Star Point and the Rise of Women in Politics 1547-2012. This presentation demonstrates the increase in female political leaders worldwide each time there is a Venus transit before or behind the Sun. From Queen Elizabeth the First of England and Catherine de Medici, in Italy and France, women take a strong hand in leading their nations with greater frequency each 121 years when this celestial phenomenon takes place.
The River of Stars Astrology Conference, Kalani, Hawaii, Kari leads the first Sacred Bundle Ceremony with Linda Tucker, Guardian of the White Lions, Cynthia Hart-Button, Keeper of the White Bison, Maurice Fernandez, Astrologer and conference organizer. We exchanged bundles of sacred items from East to West and North to South. Bundles were “given” to the lands where we live to create a Spirit Bridge between South Africa and Hawaii; Cuzco, Peru and Oregon.
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