Daylight Savings Time comes to an end on the first day of November, following the rare Blue Full Moon on Halloween day at 10:49 a.m. EDT. This is the second Full Moon in a month and it is unusual also in that at 9 degrees Taurus it is exactly conjunct the planet Uranus. Many are fearful that violence will break out in the few days left before the U.S. presidential election. With Uranus conjunct the Full Moon we need to be cautious. However, we are more in line for an upgrade in the quality of life than for more problems. Uranus relates to sudden change, often followed by an upgrade. This planet rules the sign of Aquarius which is often associated with the future, politics, science, elitism, computers and outer space. We are potentially on the verge of a major upgrade in our politics in which equality of gender and race will become possible on a much wider scale worldwide. Keep Calm and Be Sure to Vote On.
Mercury, the planet of communications goes direct in the sign of Scorpio on November 30th, the very day of the presidential election. The station of any planet to direct motion emphasizes its characteristics. In Scorpio there is likely to be extreme disagreement on the outcome of the election. Due to the Mercury retrograde, one of the candidates may claim victory before all mail-in ballots are counted. Confusion about the voting deadlines in a wide variety of states can potentially cause chaos and protests are likely. It’s ALSO possible we won’t know the ultimate outcome of the election until the 13th and perhaps even the 20th of November. The 20th is the date that Mercury will finally emerge from its retrograde shadow, the degree at which it went retrograde in mid-October. Whatever you do, get your vote in as early as possible and consider dropping off a mail-in ballot to a collection box at your voting precinct headquarters.
On Thursday the 12th we will experience the third of three conjunctions of power planets Jupiter and Pluto. Both in the sign of Capricorn, the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction is increasing the rate of transformation of our world toward a greater acceptance of the Sacred Feminine through the sign of Capricorn. The 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is a feminine sign known for its wisdom and managerial skill. Within the next 30 years there will be more female world leaders and hopefully a woman American president.
Mars in the passionate sign of Aries returns to direct movement on Friday the 13th. Retrograde since September 9th, Mars has been significantly heating up the temperature of the earth as well as the passions of political, civil rights and women’s rights groups worldwide. Mars will remain in the sign of the aggressive Ram until January 6th. Brace yourself for a cold and snowy winter in an environmental balance response to a very hot summer and long “fire season” in western U.S. states. If you live in the north, prepare for a cold and snowy winter with sand for ice melting and canned goods, water and paper products. This may be a good time to invest in a personal home generator.
The New Moon on Sunday the 15th takes place at 12:08 a.m. EST. This New Moon takes place at 24 degrees Scorpio. It makes a productive and encouraging sextile to the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction at 24 degrees. This New Moon encourages us to tap into our inner spiritual teacher--Jupiter. In the sign of Capricorn, Jupiter tells us that wisdom and good management of our country will prevail despite this having been an extremely difficult year. In this column in June and July I wrote about the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in air signs as being a once in a hundred years aspect. The outbreak of Covid in 2020 is roughly 100 years after the severe Spanish Flu that killed 40% of Europeans and took extremely high tolls of human life in the U.S. as well. Our next president will need to establish a clear plan for wiping out Covid in 2021. Like the two-year duration of the 1915-16 Spanish Flu, Covid will not come under control until the end of 2021. According to master astrologer, Stephanie Austin, the recurrence of a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in an air sign indicates that infection will be spread through the air. It will take consistent mask-wearing, testing and contract tracing in all U.S. states to wipe out the threat of a third year of this deadly and financially deadly disease.
Happy Birthday Sagittarius! The Sun dives into the visionary sign of Sadge at 3:40 p.m. EST on Saturday, November 21st. The holiday season gets a great start today with a networking Aquarius Moon. This is a great day for shopping and participating in community and charity events. Take time today to make a contribution of funds or your time to benefit the less fortunate. Sagittarians have experienced a year of financial improvement this year with their ruling planet Jupiter in their second solar house of Capricorn. Jupiter will now enter the sign of Aquarius on the day of the Winter Solstice, December 20th. This means that Jupiter will now aspect your Sun sign by making a very encouraging and energizing sextile in Aquarius. Throughout the year of 2021, Sagittarians have a great opportunity to make real progress toward career and personal goals. Your opportunity to succeed will closely equal the energy you put into your work. The coming year has real potential to be a great one for the Archer!
There may be some tense moments around the Thanksgiving table with the Moon in aggressive Aries. Avoid political conversation and emphasize thankfulness for all that we have been given. Remember to practice social distancing and designate a driver if you are away from home. The Moon moves into the more tranquil sign of Taurus as of 10:43 p.m. EST on Thanksgiving night. Despite economic downturns this fall, many of us will be in a mood to shop under the luxury-loving and creature comfort Moon in Taurus on Black Friday the 27th and Saturday the 28th. The Moon shifts into social Gemini on Sunday the 29th making this a holiday weekend break we DON’T want to end.
The month comes to an intense end with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Monday the 30th. On the day of this Lunar Eclipse, Neptune is stationing direct AND making a very close square to the Sun and Moon as they oppose each other. Neptune square (challenge to) the nodes and the Sun and Moon implies that after a period of time, living under a certain belief system or political system, the public will be disillusioned. On the world stage of the U.S. political election, the search is on for a higher sense of Truth. Throughout the Covid period, from March to the present, President Trump has called the scientific findings and advice of Dr. Fauci---“fake news.” As we head into our first full winter under the deadly virus, scientifically proven methods of reducing exposure are proving to be effective. The Lunar Eclipse is all about our trust, or lack of trust of authority figures. Are we following the dictates of a politician—or—does science make more sense? Are we concerned about protecting others as much as ourselves or is Covid another opportunity to show divisiveness, rather than unity?
Ceres, the asteroid which indicates our personal preference for a source of nuturance is also square this Lunar Eclipse. Covid Fatigue is becoming “a thing” now that we’ve been through ten long months of life unusual. It is hard to find a way to relax in ways we are used to. With asteroid Ceres in the sign of Pisces at this Eclipse, Pisces-related activities such as meditation, listening to music, skiing, ice-skating, dancing and binge movie-watching can help us relax. For the next year we will continue to experience the North Node in Gemini opposing the South Node in Sagittarius. With these nodes, Busy has become our collective middle name as we race around getting our work and errands done. The square of s-l-o-w-d-o-w-n Ceres in Pisces temporarily helps us dodge the frenetic pace of life these days. Take advantage of this and take some extra days off around Thanksgiving. A Lunar Eclipse often makes us feel blue. Emotions come front and center and with Gemini it can be hard to put a finger on exactly what the sadness is about. You may find yourself saying “I think I feel depressed, but I’m not exactly sure why.” Spending time with our closest tribe on the weekend of the 29th and 30th will help us to avoid unneeded stress. The issues we are experiencing now will remain in the background until the next Lunar Eclipse next spring. We have time to work this issue out.
The November, Scorpio birthdays will be available with an astro update at the New Moon of November 15th.
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