On Wednesday, January 6th, Three Kings Day, the last quarter Moon perfects at 4:37 a.m. EST. The degree of this Moon is 14 degrees Libra. The Sun on this day is part of a stellium of 5 planets that are progressively conjunct, (connected to each other). Each of these five is only separated by a maximum of 8 degrees (Sun at 17 Cap, Pluto at 25 Cap, Mercury at 27 Cap, Saturn at 3 Aquar & Jupiter at 4 Aquar). In keeping with my firm belief that we are witnessing the start of the 2,158-year Age of Aquarius as of December 21st, 2020, this Last Quarter Moon plays a major role. On this day, 3 very large “stars” are created by all planets conjunct each other (just as we saw December 21st with the Jupiter/Saturn “Solstice Star.” This huge new 5-planet “star” in Cap/Aquarius; the Mars/Uranus Star in Taurus and the Neptune/Asteroid Ceres Star won’t be the only “Star” for the Three Kings to follow to Bethlehem. There are two more!
Mars and Uranus are closely conjunct 0 degrees Taurus and 7 degrees Taurus AND the last “star” Neptune at 19 degrees Pisces conjunct Asteroid Ceres at 14 degrees Pisces. Unfortunately, because of their distance from the Sun and Earth,-- Uranus and Neptune—(included in the latter two stars) are not visible to the naked eye without a telescope.
At the time of Christ’s birth, archeo-astronomers have shown that Mars & Jupiter were conjunct forming a very bright “star” in the sky. Christ was born during the Age of Pisces. Now we have 3 Synchronistic Stars forming at the start of the Age of Aquarius. This feels quite correct as a marker of extraordinary times! In the U.S. in early January, these “stars” will be seen in the Southwestern sky. Knowing that the Kundalini of our planet Earth has recently moved to the border between Peru and Chile in 2013, this New Moon leads us to the current spiritual “navel” of the planet.
The only 3 planets NOT involved in the formation of the 3 stars are Venus, Chiron and the Moon. These three, however, form very close harmonious trines and sextiles to the other 2 January 6th “stars”: Venus in a close trine to the Mars/Uranus Star, the Moon in a close trine to the Five Planet Star and Chiron in a close sextile to the Five Planet Star.
The intuitive astrological message that comes through is: ALL IS CONNECTED, ALL IS ONE.
The Age of Aquarius is one in which we will discover that all humans can learn to live as
“Spiritual beings having a human experience.” Furthermore, All beings, human, animal, plant
and seemingly inanimate, have always been and will always be, capable of Evolution.
The New Moon this month arrives on Wednesday the 13th at 12 am EST. On this date the 3 “stars” of the Last Quarter Moon are still in conjunction. What differs on this date is that the biggest star now includes the New Moon in Capricorn, forming an even larger SIX planet Star. Also on this date Venus, now in Capricorn and Chiron still in Aries are now EXACTLY square to each other at 6 degrees Aries. I will call this first New Moon of the New Aquarian Age, the Three Kings New Moon due to the huge, brilliant star to be formed by the conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. While only the last three planets mentioned will be visible to the naked eye on January 13th it is bound to make a very tight pyramid-shaped “star” in the southwestern sky. ---- What times we live in!
Aquarians and many others of us may want to play hooky from work on Tuesday the 19th. This day following Martin Luther King Day, is the first day of the Aquarius Sun Period! Happy Birthday Waterbearers! This is going to be a momentous year for all Aquarians with Jupiter in your sign bringing you expanded horizons and good fortune. Aquarians born between the 19th of January and the 2nd of February will experience a year in which Saturn is conjunct their Sun. This is a sobering year in which you will need to be “on your toes” about everything, especially work and relationships with family authority figures. Aquarian Sun Sign people are natural scientists and data analysts. They believe in equality for all yet can be endowed with very high intelligence that gives them an extra “edge” in life. Natural networkers, they are somewhat of a paradox in that they can be socially shy. Aquarians feel best when sharing their abundance with others.
Wednesday, January 20th is Inauguration Day. A conjunction of Mars to Uranus on this day may cause there to be some kind of un-expected good or bad “accident” involved in the inauguration ceremony. This could be unexpected news such as the release of individual stimulus checks for either the smaller or larger amount. It could also connote some kind of foul up or serendipitous symbol taking place in another part of the world, or locally, on the day of the ceremony itself. The Moon will shift into the sign of Taurus shortly before President Biden is sworn in at approximately 2 p.m. This stabilizing Moon sign in financially abundant Taurus conjunct Mars and Uranus can be seen to symbolize a great potential rebound of the U.S. economy during the next 4 years of this presidential term. The Inauguration Ball on the evening of the 20th will be a sumptuous affair with memorable musical performances, due to the Taurus Moon.
The Full Moon in Leo, a week after the inauguration, on Thursday the 28th will perfect at 2:16 p.m. EST. This Full Moon at 10 degrees Leo will face off exactly with Jupiter conjunct the Sun at 10 degrees Aquarius. Uranus at 7 degrees Taurus conjunct Mars at 10 degrees Taurus will form the Apex of a tight fixed T-square (or double challenge) on this day. Interestingly, the Apex Uranus will be transiting the 11th house of the chart set for Washington, D.C. on this date. This Full Moon can be seen as the installation of the first new president of the New Age. While progressives in the Democratic party do not currently view Biden as progressive enough, their views may eventually change once the president’s agenda is rolled-out. In our own lives we are likely to be feeling a need to break free from outworn parts of our lives that are stifling us. Caution is the watchword of this potentially impetuous and radical time. “Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.”
The last major celestial news of this month is Mercury’s move to retrograde motion on Saturday the 30th at 10:52 a.m. EST. If you have major business to take care of this month, get it done on or before Friday the 22nd. We will be firmly in the shadow of the retrograde by the 22nd and communications and transportation, ruled by Mercury, will begin to go awry. This Mercury Retrograde will last about 3 weeks until Saturday, February 20th. Passing through the sign of Aquarius during its slow down period, this Mercury Retrograde is a perfect time to be thinking about how to “work smarter not harder” in 2021 by utilizing various computer programs and applications as well as other time-saving precision machines and instruments. If you have held off buying an income tax software, for example, this period will be the perfect time to research which program to purchase. A major scientific breakthrough is likely to grace our planet once the retrograde period has concluded, specifically on or after March 14th when Mercury will emerge from its retrograde shadow.
In 2021 there will be no reason for celestially-related catastrophe to return again. Digging ourselves out of the economic crater we have fallen into will be enough work. As I pointed out in my summer 2020 columns, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in air signs has been shown, over the centuries, to occur just prior to or during, years in which there is a pandemic carried through the air. The 1345 conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius on March 24th was just such an occurrence. The Bubonic Plague spread from China and Africa to Europe and the UK over the years from 1346 to 1351. The current “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn will continue through the month of January only. As of February 1st Jupiter and Saturn will be a full 5 degrees apart (Jupiter at 11 degrees Aquarius and Saturn at 6 degrees) and they will no longer appear as a “star” in the southwestern sky.
In 2021 we will experience all three of this year’s Mercury Retrogrades in the air signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. The first will take place from January 30th to February 20th from 26 degrees Aquarius to 11 degrees Aquarius. The second begins on May 29th and ends on June 22nd between 24 degrees Gemini and 16 degrees Gemini. The third is between September 27th and October 18th from 25 degrees Libra and 10 degrees Libra. Communications and computer systems are likely to be interrupted during the first two Mercury retrogrades, in particular. Be sure to back up all of your data before any of the three of this year’s Mercury Retros.
Last year we experienced both a retrograde of planet Venus and a very extended retrograde of planet Mars. The Mars retrograde in the sign of Aries was so long (September 6th to November 14th) that Mars spent a grand total of 6.25 months in its home sign of the Ram! Part of the “survival energy” we have experienced from March of 2020 to January of 2021 has been magnified and enhanced by Mars in Aries. We hunkered down and stayed with our “pod” of nearest relatives and/or friends. We foraged for food and toilet paper and worked and played while holed-up in our caves. This textbook Aries survivalist energy has served many of us well in keeping us Covid-free. The other characteristic of Mars in Aries retrograde is frustration and anger buried just below the surface. Every time Americans tried to celebrate a holiday in 2020, such as Easter, July 4th or Thanksgiving as in normal times, we experienced a resurging of Covid cases and deaths. This year there will be no Mars retrograde. Our Mars-ruled physical energy will be best put to use in working harder than ever to stage a “come back from Covid.” With the new administration coming into office on January 20th there is likely to be a much more federally coordinated effort to fight the Pandemic.
There is one total Solar Eclipse in the year 2021 and one total Lunar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse is created at the time of the New Moon when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct AND very close to the North Node of the Moon. A Lunar Eclipse is created at the time of a Full Moon when the Sun and Moon oppose each other and the Moon is very close to the South Node. For the whole of 2021, the Nodes of the Moon will continue in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. With the Gemini focus on new ways of being--- we will again be re-arranging the ways in which we live our daily lives. No kidding! Covid has re-arranged many of our lives to be out of work or working from home. Parents have learned how to be school teachers and children have learned how to study and socialize almost exclusively, online.
*On May 26th we will experience a Total Lunar Eclipse at 7:14 a.m. EDT at 6 degrees Sagittarius. This will be seen widely in North and South America, southeast Asia, Australia and many regions in the Pacific, Australia and Antarctica.
*On June 10th we will experience an Annular Solar Eclipse at 6:53 a.m. EDT at 20 degrees Gemini.
* On November 19th we will experience a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 3:57 a.m. EDT at 28 degrees Taurus.
* On December 4th we will experience a Total Solar Eclipse at 2:43 a.m. EST at 13 degrees Sagittarius. This eclipse will be seen widely in southern Australia, southern Africa, southern South America and on the Indian and southern Atlantic oceans.
While there is no need for catastrophe this year, there will be some difficult times, nonetheless.
June appears to be a red-letter month in 2021. In the week preceding the Annular Solar Eclipse Mars in Cancer will oppose (or counter) Pluto in Capricorn on June 5th. In the week after the eclipse the Sun in Gemini will square (or challenge) Neptune in Pisces on the 13th and Saturn will square (or challenge) Uranus on the 14th. Frustrating delays in the total roll-out of the Covid vaccine or the prolonged voracity of the virus will be very trying indeed. This is also likely to be a month in which civil rights protests gain momentum and are featured widely on the news.
Mars will make two tense aspects to outer planets in November preceding the November 19th Lunar Eclipse. On November 10th Mars will square (or challenge) Saturn. On the 17th Mars will oppose (or counter) Uranus. During the month of November, Mars in Scorpio will potentially cause paranoia and potential loss of life and finances. Common sense tells us that November is the month in which we will know whether the Covid vaccines are effective in preventing another winter of dis-ease. Jupiter, our financial abundance indicator, will have turned direct on October 18th on the same day that Mercury goes direct from its retrograde in Libra. If there are still significant Covid cases, this Thanksgiving is likely to find consumer confidence staying low. If so, holiday shoppers are likely to continue to pinch pennies rather than going all-out on Black Friday.
Joe Biden’s understanding that overcoming the virus needs to be our primary national objective for this year is likely to make him an effective president. I firmly believe we will see quick improvement in our ability to combat the virus by the end of his first 100 days in office. KEEP THE FAITH in Life, in Science and in our Power as a Species to overcome the obstacles that Covid placed in our way in 2020! Life is bound to improve significantly, whether the pace of that improvement seems quick enough in 2021, or not.
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