The Heavens & Your Health
April 2021
By Kari Noren-Hoshal
The month of April is time to get started with something new in our lives! As the first sign of the zodiac, represented by the Ram, Aries Spring Fever is in full bloom now in April. The expansion of Covid 19 vaccines is certainly encouraging as is the new administration’s responsiveness in getting the vaccine out. Many of us are now hopeful to have summer travel plans. In the state of Florida, the vaccine will be available to all over the age of 16 by April 15th and many other states follow suit in May.
Communications ruler, Mercury, moves into the ambitious and impulsive sign of Aries on Saturday, April 3rd. Willfulness and a “me first” attitude may cause further racial and gender conflicts and demonstrations in the U.S. this month. Be very careful on the roads throughout this entire month as road rage is likely to rear its ugly head. What Mercury in Aries is really good for is lighting a fire under our projects to get them cooking! This is the time of year where we start to gear up our exercise to be able to fit into a bathing suit this summer. A long spring hike does wonders for the soul after being cooped up all winter. Make some time to go for an extended walk or hike between the 3rd and the 11th.
As much as Mercury in Aries will get us moving this month, Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, will bring discouraging thoughts our way the week of March 5th through the 11th. Mars (currently in Gemini) will square (or challenge) Neptune, our planet of faith (currently in the sign of Pisces.) This equates to a racing “monkey” mind that can cause insomnia and a sluggish metabolism that just can’t get the body going as easily as we want it to. Second guessing recent decisions and feelings of doubt and discouragement come up. Negative consequences of recent actions come front and center in situations we had hoped would just go away. The situation is not as hopeless as it currently appears. This transit happens about every six months, leading us to question our choices of career, relationship, and the direction we are moving in. You may receive very demoralizing messages from others that would cause you to want to give up. Rather than listening to others’ negativity and forcing yourself into doing things that may cause accidents, take a back seat this week and perhaps take a mental health day from work . Avoid excessive physical strain as this aspect causes problems with infections and allergies. Above all, avoid doing something that is deceptive in order to avoid a confrontation. It is likely to backfire on you. This aspect begins to dissipate on the New Moon day of the 11th.
The New Moon in Aries on Sunday, April 11th perfects at 10:31 p.m. Buckle your seat belts folks this is intense! A royal flush of 3 planets in Aries on this day make a provocative square (or challenge) to the conservative energy of Pluto in Capricorn. Venus the Moon and the Sun all rally to be heard today and a protest is brewing to take place sometime between now and the Super Full Moon in Scorpio on Monday, April 26th. The voices of the many will be heard. Now that we are living in Aquarian times, the common man & woman will repeatedly rise up in defense of justice and equal rights. At the same time as the voice of dissent is heard today, there is an optimism in the air. Venus, the Sun and Moon make an encouraging sextile to Jupiter. This is a day to be with friends or in a group of people of like mind. You can accomplish a lot together today to raise money for a charity or cause that you believe in. The mood can be very upbeat and this New Moon gives us the courage to try something new. Today would also be an excellent day to begin a Spring clean up in your neighborhood. We are all invigorated by the strong physical energy of this New Moon. For tips on how to start a neighborhood clean up program visit this site:
Happy Birthday Taurus! The Taurus Sun rises on Monday, April 19th at 4:33 p.m. From today through May 20th you are in your birthday power period where you can make things happen! Because there will be a square of both Jupiter (planet of expansion and abundance) and Saturn (planet of restriction and self-discipline) to your Sun this year, this is not a year for major expansion at work. Thankfully, Jupiter will already be changing sign very quickly this year to Pisces from May 14th until July 29th, giving Taurus natives a much-needed period of productive positivity. In general however, this year is a “keep your head down” and hope that no one notices you year. Uranus in Taurus will conjunct your Sun will be shaking up the lives of Taurean folks. Those born between the 28th of April and the 4th of May will be especially affected this year. You will need to be extra flexible to roll with the unexpected punches that come your way, largely in the career and financial departments. You may have been yearning for more freedom in your work. That change could be a promotion but it could also be a re-organization of the workplace that leads to the loss of a job. Or, you may be in a job that is becoming more digitized in a way that’s upsetting. The important thing is to try to see change as a good thing and to stay flexible. There is Serendipity and a silver lining in all of the changes that you are forced to face this year. It’s hard for Taurus the bull to yield to outside forces because it is so headstrong. In this case however, you will benefit from every ounce of flexibility you can muster.
Mercury will move into the sign of Taurus on Monday the 19th to join the Sun. Unfortunately, these two planets at 1 degree of Taurus will make a challenging square to the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which took place on December 20th of 2020. This is the first square to the Grand Conjunction and it brings a new crisis to our attention. With the Sun and Mercury square Jupiter we are inclined to make big plans and set long-range goals. The negative side of this square is that we are prone to being sloppy with important details. We may be arrogant or self-righteous in a way that causes serious conflict. We must try our best to remain open-minded and not to assume we know best. With the Sun and Mercury square Saturn it’s difficult to communicate with others because of possible misunderstandings. We may be giving a negative impression because we ourselves feel criticized. This can lead to depression and pessimism and a tendency toward feeling lonely and unloved. Above all in your communications between the 17th and the 21st, talk about the practical side of things rather than sharing any major opinions. Also avoid making important presentations or negotiations during this period unless you absolutely have to.
Mars dives into the deep waters of Cancer on Friday the 23rd at 7:49. With Mars in Gemini from March 5th to 23rd the GO, GO, GO! Pace of Life was just too much! I know I’m not the only one feeling exhausted after that transit! Mars in Cancer will help us to focus inward and experience our emotions more. That being said, it’s important to watch for suppressed anger stemming from those emotions now. Put your Mars in Cancer to work with home repairs. Spring fix-up jobs around the house and garden are an ideal way to blow off some steam and get into our physical body more. Mars will stay in Cancer from Friday, April 23rd until Friday, June 11th.
The Full Moon at 8 degrees Scorpio perfects at 11:32 pm EDT on Monday the 26th. This Full Moon re-activates the December 20th Jupiter/Uranus Square AND the Saturn/Uranus Square. On this Monday be prepared to receive electrifying news of the world. On this day, the Sun and Uranus in Taurus face off against the Moon in Scorpio. This is the first Super Moon Full Moon of 4 this year. The Full Moon will be at its closest approach (Syzergy) to the Earth from Sunday the 25th through Monday the 26th. Because of its close approach to our planet this Full Moon will appear up to 20% bigger and brighter than a normal Full Moon. Our bodies are 90% water and the gravitational pull this Full Moon will have on our emotions is intense! One view of this potent Super Moon relates to the challenging square it makes to Saturn in Aquarius. This indicates that the views of the many (Saturn in Aquarius) will be expressed loud and clear against the elite (Sun conjunct Uranus.) The Sun/Uranus combination can also indicate major new scientific discoveries involving high-frequency forces of nature used in new and untried ways. This is an aspect of genius. Because this is such a high energy day, I would avoid crowded public places such as airports, train stations, sports arenas or shopping malls. Uranus rules sudden change in the weather as well. Tornados and spring floods could bring unwelcome destruction now too. I plan to stay close to home and in touch with family on this Monday! This Full Moon brings good news our way too. The asteroid Ceres makes a first square to Pluto on April 29th. As goddess of the harvest, Ceres represents Mother Earth and our need to care for her. Pluto represents the need for powerful and transformative change that is a long time coming. President Biden will hold a virtual climate summit for 40 world nations on April 22nd and 23rd with a goal of capping emissions and reducing the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 34.7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2030. President Biden renewed the U.S. commitment to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on the first day of his presidency.
Pluto the planet ruling the sign of Scorpio will go retrograde the following day on Tuesday the 27th for six months until October 5th. The planet Pluto signifies our needs for power and control in our lives. During a Pluto retrograde it is natural to think about our needs in this area. If you find that you are being overly controlled or manipulated, the retrograde period is the time to let go of these people in your life. When Pluto returns in October, it is time to take your power back!
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