The Heavens & Your Health
June 2021
By Kari Noren-Hoshal
June is a month of tension with a Solar Eclipse on Thursday, June 10th and the second of two challenging squares of Saturn (planet of discipline and authority) to Uranus (planet of change and equality). Throughout the month, until June 22nd, Mercury is retrograde in Gemini is giving us an opportunity to think over all of the information coming our way.
Venus slips into the home-loving sign of Cancer on Wednesday, June 2nd. It’s time now to spend more time with family and friends at home or near the water whether that’s in the mountains or at the beach. Venus is the planet of love and attraction and as such, she points our attention toward Cancerian interests such as home improvement, decoration, cooking and relaxing in an environment we find private and secure, such as the home. It may be time to take a long weekend getaway and take some “me time” this month. Venus will stay in the sign of Cancer until Sunday, June 27th.
Two very tense planetary aspects surround the Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Gemini on Thursday, June 10th.
From June 1st to June 11th we will experience the intensity of Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn. This transit can be experienced as a culmination of successful effort OR a time when one feels such strong opposition to what we are trying to do that we experience the need to give up. Energy is high during this transit. There can be severe power struggles taking place now represented by the impetuous energy of Mars countering the established power of Pluto. If you are pushing to get your way with something at work or in relationships, be aware that a major conflict is likely to take place this week. This is a time to make creative and positive changes in your life but beware that you may be prevented from doing so by the powers that be. In the extreme, violence and road rage may break out in the world this week. Avoid crowded places such as airports, train stations and large shopping malls if you can. During the 6 days surrounding the eclipse we will also experience the Sun squaring (or challenging) Neptune. Our energy levels are lower than usual now between June 9th through the 14th. In some cases, we may feel as though we are unable to handle the demands of our everyday routine. Psychologically, we may feel discouraged. Feelings of overwhelm and inadequacy make it hard to keep up with the schedule we’ve set for ourselves. Realizing that everyone is feeling this energy to a certain degree can help to lessen the anxiety. Beware that there may be people who are acting deceptively at this time and avoid engaging in any deceptive tactics yourself. This is a time when you will not have the physical and mental energy to pull it off. Pace yourself and get extra rest now.
The Gemini Solar Eclipse takes place on Thursday, June 10th at 6:53 a.m. EDT. A Solar Eclipse takes place when there is a New Moon that takes place close to the path where the apparent path of the Sun crosses the path of the Moon (from an Earth perspective). A Solar Eclipse brings a surprising event into our lives. It can be positive or negative and it can occur anytime up to two weeks before the actual eclipse or two weeks after it. The Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius have been bringing information to light as important truths are revealed. One recent example was an apology from BBC television to the royal family of England regarding an interview conducted with Princess Diana that was set up under suspicious circumstances. The interview brought great divisiveness between the princess, her husband and the royal family which led to the royal couple’s divorce and ultimately to Diana having her royal titles and her security removed.
Some would say that the interview may have ultimately led to her death. This truth coming out nearly 25 years after Diana’s death is still very important to be acknowledged. At the time of this Eclipse, Saturn in Aquarius makes a harmonious trine to the Sun, Moon and Mercury retrograde. It is likely that this air sign trine will bring a great amount of information forward for us to analyze over the next two weeks of the retrograde until June 22nd. Sorting through this information, we will have the benefit of Saturn’s standards and rules to guide us. We may need to look more closely at a part of ourselves that we have not really noticed before. There may also be some parts of our character that are difficult to accept. We may also be seeing sides to another person’s character that are surprising and disappointing. There can be Gemini ruled assistance or difficulty that comes from siblings, cousins and neighbors. Expect to have some new information revealed that shows a different perspective to a subject you thought you knew well. On the world stage a well-known leader or celebrity may have dirty laundry exposed in a painful way that teaches valuable lessons that we can also learn from.
The tension continues on Monday, June 14th when Saturn will make its second square to Uranus this year. Saturn is the planet of self-discipline but also of rigidity and staying stuck in old lifestyles and habits that limit us. Uranus is the planet of innovation, upgrade and the pursuit of equality which can help us to break old molds and move forward in life. The difficulty with Uranus however is that it can throw us off balance with one fell swoop and rock our world in a shocking way. Much of the energy of the Black Lives Matter and other recent civil and human rights protests are influenced by this aspect. On February 17th we experienced the first Saturn/Uranus square and there were major protests in Portland, Oregon that month along with protests by US fast food and nursing home workers for a higher wage. Around the world there were protests in Myanmar concerning a military coup and in Algeria concerning a new government installed there. Suffice it to say, that there is likely to be some kind of major protest energy taking place the week of June 14th through the 20th here in the U.S. On a personal level, our desire for change may feel thwarted by authority figures. Those of us afraid of making changes may try to avoid change but this can cause accident proneness and physical problems, especially with the nervous system. At work there can be the danger that we will quit or perhaps even be fired. Authority figures will seem especially oppressive right now. This week represents a time to clear out elements of our lives that are not working. Changes we don’t make now will come back around again seven years from now when Saturn will be in the same sign as Uranus. Sudden weather events can also be activated by this Saturn Uranus Aspect. During the week of February 17th there were massive power outages in Texas when the coldest winter in ten years, caused the power grid to become overburdened. We may see major weather events the week of June 14th again.
Happy Birthday Cancer! The Summer Solstice arrives on Sunday, June 20th at 11:32 p.m. EDT. The Sun downshifts from active and outgoing Gemini to relaxing and creature comfort Cancer each year on the Solstice. It’s time to make summer plans for vacation or some weekends away! Cancer is a home-loving sign that enjoys caring for the ones it loves in a quiet setting. This is Father’s Day in the U.S. and we will have a Moon in Scorpio. Jupiter, planet of abundance and good fortune will make a harmonious trine to the Moon today setting the tone for a low-key celebration with an outdoorsy theme. Dad might really enjoy a day to go fishing or an outdoor barbeque more than a fancy brunch. Jupiter will go retrograde today indicating that the economy may be entering more cautious times with all the talk of price increases and possible inflation. Jupiter will remain in retrograde tracing a path back from 3 degrees Pisces to 23 degrees Aquarius before it goes direct again on October 18th. The economy should resume a more positive trend, as it usually does, in the late fall going into the holidays.
The Strawberry Full Moon is the name given to the June Full Moon when strawberries begin to ripen. This Full Moon will take place on Thursday, June 24th at 2:40 p.m. Eastern. This Full Moon in Capricorn features an opposition of Venus in Cancer to Pluto in Capricorn. Jealousy and possessiveness can surface today as emotions are made all the more intense by the Full Moon. An attraction to a person or a way of life that we know is not good for us can surface now making us take compulsive action. A greater balance is needed between our work lives and our home lives when we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. This is not an upbeat energy day to say the least. I don’t recommend starting off on a vacation on this Full Moon day but the weekend will be a better time. This is an uncomfortable day. Don’t let the intensity of emotion you feel throw you off course. The arrival of Venus to the fun-loving sign of Leo on Sunday the 27th will lift our moods so much higher! Venus ushers in that desire to enjoy life to the fullest again from June 27th to July 30th. Happy days are here again!
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