February brings us the Chinese New Year and a full deck of planets in the sign of Aquarius in the first two weeks of this month. On Monday, February 1st, Venus (the planet of love and attraction) takes up residence for a month in the sign of Aquarius. Love relationships begun under this sign are often based on mental attraction where both parties feel they are “of like mind.” Aquarius-born relationships are unconventional and interested in equality for both parties. A great place to meet your significant someone is online because the planet Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius. With Mercury retrograde, since Saturday January 30th, there can be a slow and somewhat delayed response to love at this time. Your new partner may be very busy at work or may not have received your email so double-check date details before heading out the door.
At the time of the New Moon in Aquarius, on February 11th, there will now be SIX planets in the sign of Aquarius! Let there be no doubt—we have entered the Age of Aquarius! On February 11th the New Moon at 24 degrees Aquarius takes place at 2:06 a.m. EST with Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, the Sun and Moon all conjunct (together) within 4 degrees. These planets can make many of us feel like we stuck our finger in light socket! Life is EXTREMELY busy and we have to stay on our toes from dawn to dusk to keep up with the pace of life. Taurus and Scorpio folks will be especially stressed by the pace and crave an extra hour of sleep. Aquarians are electrified by this collection of planets in their sign. It is time to accomplish your dreams this year Aquarians! The New Moon period between February 10th and 11th is very beneficial for all Sun signs because it makes a harmony (or trine) to the North Node in Gemini. “Work smarter not harder” is the motto for this month. Let’s use the Mercury retrograde period from January 30th and February 20th to research areas of interest in science, astrology, astronomy and politics. If there is a job you want to know more about, this is the time to learn more about it online. With the Sun and Moon both at 24 degrees, there is a challenging (square) to planet Mars (planet of action and motivation.) Revolutionary conflict may be seen in the U.S. and elsewhere around the globe where new and unpopular governments are trying to become established. Avoid feeling overly defensive and making hasty decisions based on emotions. There can be an accident prone tendency during this time due to frantic pace of life. Slow down!
The Chinese New Year arrives on the day after the New Moon in February, on Friday, February 12th. This is the year of the Metal Ox and it directly affects those born in 1927, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021. The Ox is strong and patiently plows the fields so that crops, yielding financial abundance, can be planted. During a Metal Ox year we can accomplish what we need to. There are no new major catastrophic events. It is a favorable year for economic recovery and it’s a good year to make long term investments. The family renews its bond of togetherness this year and order is restored to help us feel closer to each other. Family problems have the potential to be resolved with an increase in self-discipline. Pitch in to make life better for yourself and others this year!
The Sun enters the sign of Pisces bright and early on Thursday, February 18th at 5:44 a.m. EST.
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