The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating — John Schaar
Be yourself, and you will find your tribe — Daniel Scranton
The year 2020 is one of new beginnings. Beyond being the start of a decade, it’s a year in which to “break out of the box” and become more of our authentic selves. The two quotes above from astrologer Stephanie Austin’s writings focus on this year’s opportunity to become more of who we really were born to be. To begin, this year both Saturn and Jupiter will shift from Capricorn to Aquarius, the Chinese New Year of the Rat begins a new cycle with its first sign and the Earth is now entering a new phase of Solar activity called Solar Grand Minimum.
As of late 2018, solar flares began to diminish from the 11-year cycle of high activity they had been manifesting. What is interesting about the diminishing of Solar Activity is that when solar flares from our Sun take a break from bombarding our planet, we begin to receive cosmic rays from other star systems, such as Sirius, and even the Galactic Center itself. The Star system of Sirius is actually binary (containing two stars), Sirius A and Sirius B and perhaps even a third. This makes this star in the constellation of Canis Major the brightest in the night sky. In fact, the brightness of Sirius is 10 times that of our own Sun. Each year Sirius reaches alignment with our nation’s birthdate on July 4th. The birthday of our country was chosen by our American Masonic leaders, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and others, to coincide with the heliacal rise of Sirius above the horizon. In Egypt, since ancient times, the first week of July coincides with the feast day of Isis when the banks of the river Nile overflow, bringing nutrient-rich silt (and therefore abundance) to the agricultural fields on either side of its mighty river. This year, in the early hours of July 5th, a powerful Lunar Eclipse will take place at 13.38 degrees Capricorn—exactly opposite the Sun/Sirius position on that day (13.38 degrees Cancer). This year, as Solar Minimum begins and our planet begins to receive transmissions of energy from outside our own solar system from star systems like Sirius, it would appear possible that spiritual evolution on our planet has an opportunity to accelerate. For more information about Grand Solar Minimum see the article link from
Despite the negative connotations of the start of a Solar Minimum period which is predicted to bring about a gradual cooling of the earth and eventually a “mini Ice Age” between 2030 and 2050, there are many positive developments that indicate a positive new start for Mankind in 2020. One of these is the fact that after 200 years of conjunctions of the planets Jupiter and Saturn and Pluto in earth signs, the element of these conjunctions will now shift to air signs. On Saturday, March 21st Saturn, the planet of self-discipline, integrity and limits shifts from conservative Capricorn to more forward-thinking, equality-centered and scientific sign of Aquarius. Late this year, on December 20th, the day of the Winter Solstice, Jupiter will also enter the sign of the Aquarian Waterbearer. Capricorn Sun sign folks can now take a deep sigh of relief that the past two-and-a-half years of vise-like intensity are past. Saturn entered Capricorn on the day of the Winter Solstice, December 21st in 2017. A lack of financial resources combined with harsh treatment from authority figures despite workaholic tendencies, has caused Capricorn natives to learn to work smarter, not harder. Through your efforts to refine your work processes you have hopefully learned to buckle-down and get the work done rather than to put it off. Now you may have something tangible to show for this period. With the Saturnian boot if off your neck, life should begin to be a little bit easier. Skills learned during this period are the diamonds you have forged through the compression of your soul through hard work over this difficult time. The passing of Saturn through one’s Sun sign only takes place approximately every 28 years. The feeling of intense scrutiny, hardship and financial belt-tightening is one we seldom forget—even if we try! As of March 21st Aquarian Sun sign folks will take their turn at the dharma wheel of Saturn. If you are doing your work correctly, the process may move with greater ease than expected. For most however, the sobering self-examination and aging effects of Saturn’s passage through their sign will be just as difficult as for Capricorns. Taking care of your health is especially important at this time, especially as it relates to the Saturn parts of the body: the joints, the teeth, the skin and the spine. If you’ve been putting off surgery NOW is the time to take care of it! The stiffness is the result of a lack of flexibility in your life concerning certain issues. Fix the physical problem and try to find the source of the mental one(s) over these next two and a half years. For more information about the shift of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto into air-sign conjunctions see the website of Stephanie Austin and her yearly forecast:
Mercury returns to direct movement on Monday the 9th at 11:49 p.m. EST, a day after Daylight Savings Time begins. The spread of infectious disease such as the Coronavirus is a fitting expression of this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. Under Neptune there is a lack of clarity concerning physical ailments and this planet rules infectious disease. It was interesting to watch the huge rise in coverage of the virus peak during the very week that Mercury went retrograde. Also during this time, feelings of overwhelming fear about the virus but also a feeling of a lack of self-worth came to the surface. This was due to the fact that Mars made a powerful conjunction to the South Node at the end of February. Between the 23rd of February and the 1st of March, Mars conjunct the South Node was likely to bring up differences of opinion and great effort was required to follow through on routine work. An exhausting sapping of energy combined with aggression and anger may have caused many of us health problems. Upsetting developments at work may have occurred as the result of faulty decisions we made. What fun! What is most important to realize during a Mercury in Pisces retrograde is that we need to maintain the Piscean faith that all will be well –eventually, if not now. Learn to forgive and be forgiven and above all—forgive yourself for your mistakes. More often as not, this is how we learn. The CDC has predicted that the coronavirus will peak at the end of March and begin to show signs of waning in May. A major date to consider with the search for a vaccine is Monday, March 30th. This is the day when Mercury exits its shadow at the degree at which it first went retrograde. A major development with the virus could surface at that time. All of the Mercury retrogrades this year are in water signs so emotions run high in February/March, June/July and October/November when these occur.
The Full Moon on Monday, March 9th is the second in a consecutive series of Super Moons. This Full Moon will be at its closest approach to earth when it becomes full at 1:48 p.m. EDT. To intensify the situation further, this is the same day that Mercury resumes direct movement. This Full Moon takes place at 19 degrees Virgo. The Sabian Symbol for 19 degrees Virgo is A Swimming Race. This is a symbol of stimulus of competition when an individual seeks to perfect one of the special skills that make up his individuality. Life remains in unstable balance and survival relates to the excellence and effectiveness with which he is able to prove himself. With the Sun conjunct Neptune during the period of Sunday the 8th and Tuesday the 10th, there is little time to be concerned with self. It is likely that many of us will need to pitch in to help others during this period and may feel overwhelmed and tired as a result. You are being asked to pull out all of the stops and attend to a task that may be very difficult. In addition to the Full Moon, the Mercury retrograde period is just ending today. Oftentimes, the day that Mercury goes direct is even more chaotic than the period during the retrograde. Be kind to others today but reserve some special forgiveness and kindness for yourself.
Happy Birthday Aries! The Vernal Equinox takes place early this year on Thursday the 19th at 11:50 p.m. due to the leap year. This is the first day of Spring when the astrological year begins anew. The energy and passion of the Ram is fiery. Spurred to action by an intuitive gut feeling, the Ram scales the heights of the mountains where less courageous souls fear to tread. When fighting for a mate the Ram locks horns in an exhausting series of head butts that can leave the loser badly wounded. Aries individuals are known to try many projects until they find one that really ignites their interest. When this happens, they become experts in the field. It is important for Aries Sun sign folks and those who have significant planets in Aries to realize this is a lifetime of self-discovery. It isn’t necessary for you to follow-through on every project you begin. Instead, be glad that yours is a lifetime of new starts from time to time that allow you to discover your authentic self by eliminating what isn’t “you.” This year the Ram encounters some challenging moments now that Jupiter has entered the sign of Capricorn. Your desire to buck the system and strike out on your own is stronger than ever now. The decision to go or stay may keep you up more nights than you would like! The good news is that while Jupiter has recently entered challenging Capricorn, Saturn has finally lifted its heavy boot off your neck in terms of a bevy of rules and regulations to be followed. This is most likely to be happening at work. Don’t get me wrong, the litany of rules and regs are still there but you are no longer as prone to be making as many mistakes as often as in the recent past. A greater degree of personal freedom will be yours after this year once Pluto in Capricorn also moves forward into Aquarius. A good solution for now would be to find a sport where you can take your frustrations out in some way. The end is in sight!
Saturn takes a big step forward into Aquarius at 11:58 p.m. on Saturday the 21st. This may be worth staying up for in order to celebrate, especially if you are a Capricorn! Saturn rules the structures of our lives, our physical home, our career and our family orientation and participation. In Capricorn, its home sign, Saturn has made all signs of the zodiac take a closer look at their integrity and the efficiency with which they manage their careers, relationships and resources. On the world stage traditional and conservative leaders have dominated the political scene. With the arrival of Saturn in Aquarius there is room for evolution in how we deal with the political arena. The symbol for Aquarius, with it’s two equally wavy lines, represents equality and the responsibility we must ultimately take in creating our own lives. For the first time ever we have more than one female candidate in the running for the presidency. We also had an African American man in the running, a Jewish billionaire and our country’s first openly gay candidate. The face of politics in America is changing and while the right will seek to re-elect Trump, the arrival of Saturn in Aquarius is likely to stir the feelings of the masses to seek a new type of leader to run the country. Science is ruled by Aquarius and the planet Uranus. It is likely that some amazing innovations will come our way over the next two-and-a-half years that Saturn in Aquarius is helping to open our minds to new possibilities. The period of its passage through the sign of the Waterbearer is Saturday, March 21st 2020 through March 7th, 2023.
The New Moon arrives bright and early to the sign of Aries on Tuesday, March 24th at 5:28 a.m. EDT. This New Moon takes place at 5 degrees Aries with a close conjunction to Chiron. The Sabian Symbol for 5 degrees Aries is A Triangle With Wings. This is a symbol of the inviolability of man’s essential nature as long as he holds to the purity of his original impulses. Here is a practical balance of self-fulfillment thanks to a three-fold individuality of skills, loyalties and values. Light rather than dark remains the goal of his life. The keyword is Zeal. When positive the degree is the creative transformation of everything into an expression of real vision ahead. With this New Moon comes the ability to heal self-defeating thoughts and emotions that have been plaguing us in January and February this year. The excitement of new projects and avenues of involvement brings our feelings to an exciting place of renewed hope rather than a negative one. Like the arrival of spring, this New Moon rejuvenates and enlivens us with a look toward what we can set out to discover this year.
The final celestial transit this month in the arrival of Mars in Aquarius to join Saturn in that sign. Mars is conjunct Saturn for the first week of its arrival to the sign of Aquarius. Mars conjunct Saturn is a time when frustrations and irritations surface. This is a dangerous time to let your temper get the best of you. It’s better to concentrate on routine activities that can take your mind off the irritation rather than trying something new between the 30th and the 7th of April. Mars is the planet of willpower and what we are striving for. Physical energy is ruled by Mars. When transiting Mars is conjunct your natal Mars you feel strong and energetic. When Mars makes a challenging square to your Sun or your natal Mars you are likely to contract a cold or virus. On the world stage Mars indicates where conflicts may lie and the matter in which they are resolved. Mechanical objects, computers and software are ruled by Mars in Aquarius as are civil rights demonstrations. Mars is building up to a powerful square or challenge to Uranus (the planet that rules Aquarius) on the Full Moon day of Tuesday, April 7th. A conflict in the Middle East could erupt at this time as could a period of political unrest here in the U.S.
Now let’s take a look at the transits for our birthday sign of the month: Pisces the Fish. This year the Sun will bask in the sign of the Fish from February 20th to the very late evening of March 19th. Each year we look to the aspects your Sun makes to inner and outer planets to determine the type of year that awaits you. Pisceans born between the 20th of February and the 23rd will experience a year in which their Sun receives an encouraging sextile from Uranus, planet of innovation and equality. You will be blessed to experience a year in which you receive an upgrade to your current status. Exciting new friends and contacts share valuable technology tips that simplify your work processes and help you get ahead. Seek inspiration at conferences and online as well to make the most of this very positive aspect. Pisces natives born between the 22nd and the 26th of February will experience a year in which their Sun makes a sextile to Mars in Capricorn. You will experience a year in which you will be able to move forward on important projects with relative ease. Put in the needed hours and effort and success will follow.
In essence, all Pisceans will have an aspected year this year because of the continued encouraging sextiles of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune conjunct the Suns of all Pisceans (and particularly of those born with their Sun between 16 and 20 degrees, between March 6th and the 10th.) Pisceans are likely to be involved in highly creative projects in 2020. Neptune is highly involved in the arts of dance, painting, poetry and lyric writing. Your intuition and your ability to envision the future will help bring some important longheld goals to realization this year. The year 2020 continues to bring many positive developments to Pisces along with a greater alignment with abundance. Pisceans will enjoy one more year of an encouraging sextile of Saturn (planet of self-discipline and limitation) to their Sun. For two years you have been enjoying the ability to work smarter not harder under the watchful eye of Saturn. This year Pisces natives born between March 16th and the 19th will enjoy the greatest benefits of Saturn’s organizational prowess as it moves through the final four degrees of Capricorn. All fish will also enjoy the encouraging influence of Pluto in Capricorn (particularly for those whose Sun is between 22 and 25 degrees of Pisces born between March 12th and March 15th). Powerful people come into your orbit this year and you are chosen for important responsibilities. Don’t be afraid to step up to a new level of power. It was bound to happen sometime. Let it be now!
For all Pisceans, this is the first full year that the asteroid Chiron has finally completed its eight-year passage through your sign! Since December of 2011, when it entered the sign of Pisces, Chiron, the asteroid representing your inner “wounded healer” has been moving ever so slowly through your sign, finally exiting in March of 2019. In 2011, you began a journey in which you took on heavy responsibility for the care of another and/or of an ideal. During the eight years that followed, you sacrificed for this person or ideal to a point of self-depletion. Now that you have had a year of comparative separation from that mission, a lighter feeling fills your life again. You can continue your healing work with greater confidence gained from this experience. This year you will feel a greater peace of mind, now that you can reclaim a greater percentage of time as your own.
Finally, for all Pisceans, a new major influence this year is the passage of Jupiter through Capricorn. This connection makes a positive sextile or encouraging influence on your Sun. The influence of our largest planet upon your Sun sign is to expand your life in the area of philosophy, religion, higher education and international travel. You may find yourself registering for a new degree or some courses that can benefit you philosophically OR you may be teaching a course. Don’t be surprised to find yourself traveling farther than usual this year too. The organizational and managerial qualities of Jupiter in Capricorn will help you to streamline your work and make this a year of lasting satisfaction. All you need to do is to make yourself available to the opportunities that come your way. If you take them for granted you will miss out on some amazing new possibilities. Find the brass ring and grab it!
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